There are many things to consider when you are moving to a new home, especially when you have children in school.  Homes in the Lake Conroe Properties are divided into different school districts around the lake.  Before you decide on a location, you need to check out the schools and find the one that is a good fit for your child.  What do I look for you say?  Well, let’s just take a look at a few things to consider.  Before purchasing a Lake Conroe Property, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the rating of the district?  Individual schools? (Exemplary, Recognized, etc.)
  • Is that important to me?
  • How large is the district?
  • How big are the schools?
  • Are the school fully staffed for all student needs?
  • What kind of setting will my child best fit into? (self-contained classrooms, open space classrooms, etc.)  Public school or private school?
  • Are the schools close together (if you have students in elementary, middle, and secondary school)?
  • What activities are offered before and after school?
  • What do the people in the Lake Conroe Properties neighborhoods have to say about the schools?  What do the children in the neighborhood say about their school?

Take a Tour of the School

  • How are you received when you arrive?  What is your immediate feeling when you enter the office?  Are you greeted immediately?  Do the personnel smile and seem friendly?  What is your overall first impression?
  • As you tour the school look for these things:  Are the students engaged?  Do the teachers seem genuinely interested in the students and not just the subject?  Do you see excitement in the classroom on both the teacher and students’ part?  What is your overall first impression?
  • Check out the cafeteria if it is lunch time.  What is your impression?
  • What special services are provided?  Is there a full time nurse? a fell time counselor?  Are services provided for students who may be advanced?  What if special attention is needed by a student?
  • Ask to see the student handbook and any other brochures the school may have regarding the school and/or district.

If you have children who are in school, these are all things to consider BEFORE you sign on the dotted line for your new home in a Lake Conroe Property.  Good luck as you search for the best educational experience for your child.